The latest news and events from the Women's Shelter

The Women's Shelter Columbia SC

Announcing the Retirement of Kathy Riley

Dear Friends,
The past 47 years of my life has been spent working at the Shelter. It has been my work world for most of my adult life. So much has changed these past 47 years but never my love for the women we have served and my co-workers who brought so much joy to my life.

Having said that, it is time to leave the place I have called my community. I have never given much thought to retiring but somehow the time seems right to say goodbye.

Over the years I have had the great experience of meeting the most wonderful people. I am the woman I am today because of the folks who have touched my life. You have believed in the mission of The Women’s Shelter and allowed us to help thousands of strong, courageous women begin life anew.
I am profoundly grateful for your trust and friendship. I pray God’s blessings on all of you and thank you for the opportunity of a lifetime.

With Gratitude,
Kathy Riley

Helping Women Build Stronger Lives

The Women's Shelter
3425 North Main Street
Columbia, SC 29203


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